What do I do if I have forgotten my password?
You can either contact our customer care team and we will assist you with a new password, or you can press on My account/ Sign in/ Forgot your password? An auto-generated password will then be sent to your registered email address. BACK TO TOP
How will I know if you received my order?
When you place an order on edun.com an order confirmation will be sent to your registered email address. In the event that you have entered an incorrect email address, please contact our customer care team and we will send you the order details. BACK TO TOP
Do I need to set up an account to order something online?
You don’t have to set up an account to shop with us but we recommend that you do. It is fully possible to check out as a guest, but if you register an account you can track your order, register returns and save information which will make it easier to check out next time you order with us. BACK TO TOP
How do I cancel my order?
You cannot cancel your order yourself but we can of course help you. The order can only be canceled before it has shipped and before our warehouse has started working with the order. After that we cannot guarantee a cancellation. When the order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email. If you have requested a cancellation after the order has shipped, you must return it for a refund instead. BACK TO TOP
I've added the incorrect shipping address, how do I change it?
You must contact our customer care team to change your shipping address. The shipping address can only be changed before the order has shipped. Unfortunately you cannot update your shipping address yourself after the order has been placed. BACK TO TOP
Where do you ship from?
All orders shipped from our warehouse in New Jersey, USA. All US orders are always shipped DDP, meaning you don't pay any extra import duties/taxes/brokerage fees. BACK TO TOP
Shipping and Delivery+
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean venenatis lacinia neque nec tristique. Vestibulum eleifend fringilla mi accumsan hendrerit. Proin vestibulum quis arcu vel condimentum. Donec vulputate, enim in ornare aliquam, risus nibh dignissim sapien, et tempus enim nulla a metus. Sed pellentesque mi et mi malesuada, non ultricies dolor posuere. Nulla dignissim ligula elit, vitae ultrices lacus accumsan vitae. Integer ac massa sit amet ligula dignissim luctus. Donec ut erat ac nisi hendrerit ultrices non eget mauris.
Aenean tincidunt id nisi vel ultricies. Proin pretium in neque blandit elementum. Aliquam et mi non neque cursus porta. Curabitur ac quam nec justo viverra molestie. Duis pulvinar nisl vel maximus vulputate. In ultrices molestie quam, in laoreet ante aliquam non. Aliquam pretium commodo leo, at tempor odio efficitur eget. Nam faucibus massa pretium, ornare dui porttitor, tincidunt nunc.
Nulla id nisi nec justo laoreet vulputate. Pellentesque vitae eros eget nisl elementum laoreet. Vivamus elit metus, ornare non vulputate ac, posuere congue urna. Quisque eget leo sit amet libero euismod ultrices. Aliquam fringilla ipsum ut purus pretium, finibus consectetur mauris fermentum. Nulla placerat consequat neque, non posuere sem consectetur sit amet. Curabitur cursus mauris eu erat mattis, vel cursus libero accumsan. Curabitur et congue dolor. Vestibulum maximus mi sed mauris pulvinar condimentum. Proin at metus suscipit leo blandit rhoncus. Aliquam ac libero sagittis, lacinia dui eget, pharetra ligula. Pellentesque quis eleifend sem. Donec vitae euismod nisi.
Praesent tincidunt tristique nibh et faucibus. Mauris bibendum, nisl a commodo ullamcorper, metus mi mollis mauris, non vestibulum tellus libero ac elit. Suspendisse accumsan tempus est, vitae molestie augue fermentum eu. Quisque gravida auctor enim eu aliquet. Donec a ligula non justo sagittis maximus sed in elit. Nullam condimentum libero neque, sit amet accumsan lectus lobortis condimentum. Nunc sollicitudin rutrum ante, vitae venenatis odio consequat id. Sed hendrerit quam nulla, sit amet fringilla leo semper nec. Cras nibh erat, varius sit amet varius a, efficitur vel nisi. Aliquam cursus laoreet dui, sed lacinia felis rutrum non. Curabitur in urna ac dui fermentum accumsan. Quisque dictum, ipsum et interdum dictum, libero neque fermentum ex, sit amet consequat dolor massa vitae est.